Are you using your web site and blog posts properly to improve your search engine ranking? It's really not that hard to do, you just need to get started. When creating web sites or posting a blog today we write title tags, key words/phrases, content and formatting with search engines in mind. And if we do it right, the results are nothing less than amazing.
With a little practice you could learn how to blog with SEO in mind, but that's not the real problem. The real problem seems to be "what do I blog about?" That should be the easiest part, right? To rectify this let's tackle the root of the problem, "what do I blog about?" I've included a few topics to help get you started.
Why blog?
If you blog at least once a week you'll see a positive SEO effect on your web site and blog, which in turn delivers internet leads. Once you get comfortable blogging you may find yourself doing it more often. It's like any exercise, the more you do it, the easier it gets. Think of blogging as just another marketing necessity that takes a certain amount time and effort every week. Schedule 1 hour per week so it gets done. Do you expend effort, time and money creating and sending farm mailers? Blogging is no different, it's marketing and it also takes time and effort, but little to no money, that's a bonus! Keep it simple in the beginning so you don't get overwhelmed or discouraged. Start with these suggested topics, repeat each topic the following month until you come up with your own topics. Just make sure to change the content so it's current. I'll mention a few things at the end of this post to be careful about to keep you out of trouble with the search engines.
1. WEEK 1 MARKET CONDITIONS: REPEAT THIS TOPIC THE FIRST WEEK OF THE MONTH. Market conditions are interesting subjects for buyers and sellers and if they know they can depend that your web site/blog provides a regular market update they'll get in the habit of visiting your site to get that information. This could be as simple as stating the number of active, pending and sold properties in your area. Or, you could provide "months of inventory". Simply divide the number of currently active listings in your market area by the number of pending sales in the last 30 days.
2. WEEK 2 LISTINGS: REPEAT THIS TOPIC THE SECOND WEEK OF THE MONTH. Blog about listings. This will help your blog SEO and in addition provide greater exposure for the listing. If you don't have a listing, ask another agent in your office if they would be willing to let you provide additional exposure for their listing. They should not have a problem with it as they can inform their seller, "I'm providing additional exposure for your property". No one should have a problem with that.
3. WEEK 3 LOCALISM: REPEAT THIS TOPIC THE THIRD WEEK OF THE MONTH. Blog about your town or an interesting neighborhood activity. It may be related to church, soccer, baseball, tennis, PTA, block party BBQ, you get the idea. If you can't think of anything, take a walk through the neighborhood and I guarantee you'll come up with an idea. Take digital photos of streets or other points of interest to post in your blog. The worst thing that could happen is you might actually meet the neighbors and have an opportunity to discuss real estate. Don't depend solely on one of those purchased online neighborhood websites you can link into your web site. First hand reporting will get more attention from the neighbors and the search engines (original content, search engines love it). A big PLUS; I'm a firm believer that face to face with the neighbors is one of the best ways to get business. If they know you they won't be afraid to call you with real estate related questions or when it's time to buy or sell. If you or another agent in your office has a listing, bring some flyers to handout. Leave flyers on doorsteps if appropriate. If it's Saturday during spring/summer lots of folks are working in their yard. Great opportunity to introduce yourself and hand deliver those flyers. In my old neighborhood, every Saturday morning an agent would trudge up the hill and deliver flyers to those of us working in the yard. This is how he got started in real estate and today he is a top producer.
4. WEEK 4 THE BUSINESS: REPEAT THIS TOPIC THE FOURTH WEEK OF THE MONTH. This subject is a little more difficult for some as it is open to interpretation. Think about week four as your "open discussion forum". You can talk about the real estate business in general or what's happening on a national level. What is the fed doing that might affect interest rates, home prices, or the housing market in general? There are many places where information can be found for this subject. But please, it's very important to use your own words, DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Did you take a short trip, or go on a nice vacation, tell your readers what you did and provide photos if appropriate. Did you attend a real estate seminar, take a continuing education course, whatever you did to further your education, let your readers know? General Guidelines; Use keywords and key phrase in your rich content. Think of search engines like hungry little robots crawling around websites saying, "more data, more data, more data". Bots never get enough data and the more they get the smarter they become. Use good rich content plying your key phrases and key words. Before long your blog posts and web site pages will be listed near or at the top of the search engine's organic results. The more web pages and blog posts you have the better chance of being found by search engines. Think of it this way. If you have a web site with 10 pages and no blog you have ten chances of being found by the search engines. If you have a web site with 30 pages and your blog has hundreds of posts, you have hundreds of chances to be found and ranked. There is one caveat for keywords and key phrases usage. DO NOT OVERUSE KEYWORDS or KEYPHRASES. Do not repeat the same word or phrase more than necessary to try and fool the bots. If your content is readable by a human without being redundant it's probably OK for the bots. Write good content and gracefully slip in your keywords and phrases. Don't think you can outsmart good search bots. These bots use algorithms that most regular folks can't fathom. Try to outsmart them and you'll end up in the sandbox. The sandbox is where they will put your URL as a punishment for trying to trick them. You won't show up in the search results until you've seen the light and changed your ways. There is so much more to discuss about blogging and SEO but I try to keep my blog posts a little shorter than this.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
SEO Blog 2014 : How To Increase Traffic To Your Blog
Countless people all over the world today are into blogging. There are those who create blogs as a mere hobby. However, most people do blogging to promote their business. In fact, they acquire assistance from various outsourcing companies to hasten the growth of their business.
Truthfully, creating a blog as a form of hobby is a walk in the park. Anyone can do it. Just register in a web domain. start creating your articles and tell the world how you feel about different issues. But for most people who utilize their blogs as their way to expand their businesses, blogging becomes challenging as they need to follow certain rules to build traffic and attract customers.
Just like other professions, blogging is also considered an art. You need the right strategies to succeed in terms of making as many people as you can to view your website. This article provides the 3 basic and useful tips to drive traffic.
1. Target a group of audience who are willing to share your website to others
One great bonus of utilizing the internet in running an online business is that sharing information can be accomplished in just a few clicks. Therefore, it's an excellent approach to target a group of people who are willing to share your blog to other internet users. However, it's your responsibility to ascertain that your blog is compelling enough for them to share it.
Once your blog is persuading enough for your audience to disperse it, it will be shared to different websites like forums, social media networking and even to other blogs.
But if you really want the best results with regards to your blog being shared, it's best to target people who are very active in social media sites (Facebook, Twitter) and those who have their own blogs as well.
2. Consider the use of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and create an SEO-friendly blog
SEO is one of the best business strategies used today due to its power to drive huge traffic to a website. However, many people shun this strategy due to misunderstanding.
Most outsourcing companies today take advantage of SEO services knowing that not all online business owners have the skill to implement this strategy. In blogging, using SEO can reap great benefits. Bloggers who start using SEO discover the strong connection of online business and blogging.
3. Take advantage of social media networking sites
Did you know that Facebook has over 800 million active users and more than 450 million individuals have registered to Twitter? Today, Google+ has around 100 million users already.
Countless members of these social media networking sites spend so much time navigating on their accounts including any advertisements they see. Therefore, use these sites to find your perfect content distributors. When promoting your blog to these sites, make sure that the account is filled with enough useful information. That way, you increase the chances of gaining more viewers.
Other ways to drive traffic include the uploading of photos, guest blogging, creating a unique domain name and many more.
Many people are unsuccessful during their first attempts and you may be one of them as well. Nevertheless, don't give up. In time, you'll just be shocked as to the significant increase of viewers on your website. Ask the help of a good outsourcing company to accelerate your business' progress.
Truthfully, creating a blog as a form of hobby is a walk in the park. Anyone can do it. Just register in a web domain. start creating your articles and tell the world how you feel about different issues. But for most people who utilize their blogs as their way to expand their businesses, blogging becomes challenging as they need to follow certain rules to build traffic and attract customers.
Just like other professions, blogging is also considered an art. You need the right strategies to succeed in terms of making as many people as you can to view your website. This article provides the 3 basic and useful tips to drive traffic.
1. Target a group of audience who are willing to share your website to others
One great bonus of utilizing the internet in running an online business is that sharing information can be accomplished in just a few clicks. Therefore, it's an excellent approach to target a group of people who are willing to share your blog to other internet users. However, it's your responsibility to ascertain that your blog is compelling enough for them to share it.
Once your blog is persuading enough for your audience to disperse it, it will be shared to different websites like forums, social media networking and even to other blogs.
But if you really want the best results with regards to your blog being shared, it's best to target people who are very active in social media sites (Facebook, Twitter) and those who have their own blogs as well.
2. Consider the use of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and create an SEO-friendly blog
SEO is one of the best business strategies used today due to its power to drive huge traffic to a website. However, many people shun this strategy due to misunderstanding.
Most outsourcing companies today take advantage of SEO services knowing that not all online business owners have the skill to implement this strategy. In blogging, using SEO can reap great benefits. Bloggers who start using SEO discover the strong connection of online business and blogging.
3. Take advantage of social media networking sites
Did you know that Facebook has over 800 million active users and more than 450 million individuals have registered to Twitter? Today, Google+ has around 100 million users already.
Countless members of these social media networking sites spend so much time navigating on their accounts including any advertisements they see. Therefore, use these sites to find your perfect content distributors. When promoting your blog to these sites, make sure that the account is filled with enough useful information. That way, you increase the chances of gaining more viewers.
Other ways to drive traffic include the uploading of photos, guest blogging, creating a unique domain name and many more.
Many people are unsuccessful during their first attempts and you may be one of them as well. Nevertheless, don't give up. In time, you'll just be shocked as to the significant increase of viewers on your website. Ask the help of a good outsourcing company to accelerate your business' progress.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Best SEO Friendly Blog Design Ideas
Blogs have increased popularity over this past months. Many people have started to create their personal blogs to express their thoughts and feelings. Internet companies have also started their blogs to inform consumers on the latest product news and reviews.
Because of this, blogs are also being used as internet marketing media. Before, internet marketing is done by placing banners and links on popular websites, such as news and information sites. Links were also included on newsletters and marketing letters sent to the members of their mailing lists. Many people spend time reading blogs. People read their friend's blogs, their favorite author's blogs, blogs on topics that they are interested in, and blogs on product reviews. With the increasing popularity of blogging, it is even feared that people rely on blogs to get the latest news.
While getting news reports from blogs isn't reliable, some people look for product reviews through blogs. In some cases, this is more dependable. While it is true that some media persons are being paid to write good reviews about a certain product, blog writers write about their actual experiences on products and services from a company. Since there are many people who read and start their own blogs, blogs are a good medium to market a product. With the increasing blog traffic means increase in product sales.
Blog traffic can be increased by joining affiliate programs and sites, which will list your blog under a certain search category or name. You can also have your blog advertised in popular websites. This, however, will cost some money and is not advisable if you have just started blogging. A writer who has just launched his/her blog will want as much traffic as possible to increase advertisements on the site. Also, some advertisers pay every time their link is clicked or the page that has their link is viewed.
When you have increased traffic on your blog, you should try to keep you visitors coming back and recommending your blog to friends and colleagues. This can be done by having informative or amusing content and good blog layout and design. You may develop your blog's content or you can also acquire the services of a web content writer to provide you with the blog articles.
The blog's layout and design also plays a big role. While most of the companies offering free blog hosting offer pre-selected templates, there are also some that allows customization that if you utilize this feature correctly can increase your blog's traffic.
Here are a few tips to make your blog stand out from the millions of blogs out there that have standard designs.
* Customize the banner
The banner usually has the most generic designs that are common to the blogs from a blogging company or service. You can personalize this banner by having a graphic with the dimensions of the banner. You can also edit the graphic so that it will also include the title of your blog. In this case, you can create your own graphic or you can purchase professional looking graphics online for less than $10.
* Personalizing photos
Of course, most of the photos that you will be posting will be your own. However, if you don't customize the photos before posting them, you may miss maximizing the enhancing benefits graphics can add to the page. Adding photo borders can help the photo stand out from the page. It can also add to the design of your blog. You can choose a standard border or you can also create your own border which can be associated with your blog's templates.
* Add a favicon
Don't you think sites with icons on the address bar before the website's URL are cool? Many people do. These favicons add a professional look to the URL. These easy to do using photo or graphic editing softwares.
* Check out blog templates, layouts, backgrounds, textures and skins from sites
There are sites that offer free blog templates, layouts, backgrounds, textures and skins. You can make use of these so your blog will not look generic like most of the blogs hosted by the service provider.
* Include RSS feeds
This is a cool way to inform people with newsreaders about your blog headlines. Tutorials on RSS feeds are available on the internet.
* Audio makes your blog more personal
Not only does audio personalizes the blog; it can also keep your visitors coming back. You can try having streaming radio stations, mp3 file or playlists loading with your blog.
* Advertisements
If you have signed-up with Google Ad-Sense, which I am sure you would like to do, make sure that the ads are conveniently placed that these will not hinder your readers' ease in accessing the information on your blog.
Friday, April 4, 2014
Best SEO Blog with Social Networking
There is no doubt that blogging is quickly becoming popular and there's no stopping its popularity. The fight for supremacy heats on. The battle for the highest ranked blog or the most frequently visited blog is now at its peak. It is also no surprise that blogs now are becoming popular because of its use as a vehicle for earning extra bucks.
What do you need to increase your blog's traffic? It requires no extra complication as a matter of fact, all you need to do is to maximize your networking skills. That's right! No need for additional special skills - just plain old networking skills. So how do you start?
First you need to have a constant appearance online. You can visit other blogs as well, in that manner bloggers will see your blog entries as well. It's more like a give and take relationship. You can also participate in blog forums and recommend your blog to those people who are seeking information which your blog provides. Aside from forums, you can also chat with other bloggers online.
Advertise your blog online. You can visit other blogs as well, in that manner bloggers will see your blog entries as well. It's more like a give and take relationship. You can also participate in blog forums and recommend your blog to those people who are seeking information which your blog provides. Aside from forums, you can also chat with other bloggers online. Advertise your blog online. It requires no extra complication as a matter of fact, all you need to do is to maximize your networking skills.
That's right! No need for additional special skills - just plain old networking skills. So how do you start? It requires no extra complication as a matter of fact, all you need to do is to maximize your networking skills. That's right! No need for additional special skill, just plain old networking skills. So how do you start? First you need to have a constant appearance online. You can visit other blogs as well, in that manner bloggers will see your blog entries as well.
It's more like a give and take relationship. You can also participate in blog forums and recommend your blog to those people who are seeking information which your blog provides. First you need to have a constant appearance online. You can visit other blogs as well, in that manner bloggers will see your blog entries as well. It's more like a give and take relationship. You can also participate in blog forums and recommend your blog to those people who are seeking information which your blog provides.
All you need to have a constant appearance online. You can visit other blogs as well, in that manner bloggers will see your blog entries as well. It's more like a give and take relationship. You can also participate in blog forums and recommend your blog to those people who are seeking information which your blog contains.
You can visit other blogs as well, in that manner bloggers will see your blog entries as well. It's more like a give and take relationship. You can also participate in blog forums and recommend your blog to those people who are seeking information which your blog provides.
In short, social networking is the key to improve your blog's traffic.
What do you need to increase your blog's traffic? It requires no extra complication as a matter of fact, all you need to do is to maximize your networking skills. That's right! No need for additional special skills - just plain old networking skills. So how do you start?
First you need to have a constant appearance online. You can visit other blogs as well, in that manner bloggers will see your blog entries as well. It's more like a give and take relationship. You can also participate in blog forums and recommend your blog to those people who are seeking information which your blog provides. Aside from forums, you can also chat with other bloggers online.
Advertise your blog online. You can visit other blogs as well, in that manner bloggers will see your blog entries as well. It's more like a give and take relationship. You can also participate in blog forums and recommend your blog to those people who are seeking information which your blog provides. Aside from forums, you can also chat with other bloggers online. Advertise your blog online. It requires no extra complication as a matter of fact, all you need to do is to maximize your networking skills.
That's right! No need for additional special skills - just plain old networking skills. So how do you start? It requires no extra complication as a matter of fact, all you need to do is to maximize your networking skills. That's right! No need for additional special skill, just plain old networking skills. So how do you start? First you need to have a constant appearance online. You can visit other blogs as well, in that manner bloggers will see your blog entries as well.
It's more like a give and take relationship. You can also participate in blog forums and recommend your blog to those people who are seeking information which your blog provides. First you need to have a constant appearance online. You can visit other blogs as well, in that manner bloggers will see your blog entries as well. It's more like a give and take relationship. You can also participate in blog forums and recommend your blog to those people who are seeking information which your blog provides.
All you need to have a constant appearance online. You can visit other blogs as well, in that manner bloggers will see your blog entries as well. It's more like a give and take relationship. You can also participate in blog forums and recommend your blog to those people who are seeking information which your blog contains.
You can visit other blogs as well, in that manner bloggers will see your blog entries as well. It's more like a give and take relationship. You can also participate in blog forums and recommend your blog to those people who are seeking information which your blog provides.
In short, social networking is the key to improve your blog's traffic.
SEO Blog 2014
You have got your blog up and running on the internet. The next obvious thing to take care of will be to devise promotional strategies that will make your blog visible to others. This requires a certain extent of planning on what kind of tools that you want to apply to the formation of promotional strategies for your blog. These strategies should be given a fair amount of consideration before applying them.
Strategies for blog promotion are many. Nonetheless, what's listed below are proven strategies that should work effectively for your blog.
(1) Search engines and blog directories
Web directories such as Yahoo and search engines such as Google surfaced to catalog all new sites that are being created. Directories prominently used are Technorati , Blogwise , just to name a few. Send your newly created blog to such directories and search engines for indexing. Your blog will be made visible promptly.
(2) Apt description of your blog to your targeted audience
Write a short and apt description of your blog ; the description must fit the type of audience that you have targeted. Whatever benefits that readers can get from reading your blog must be clearly pointed out. One of the strategies for blog promotion requires you to let your readers know the real reason why they should read your blog in the first instance. What's in your blog for them? You can support this strategy by using "tagging" which essentially is a subject or category description that you are attaching to your blog and to each individual blog post. This will make your blog more easily searchable by others. Tagging can be done with your posts on directories such as Technorati, for instance you can add tags like "London" and "shopping" to a particular post so that your blog will show up when others search for these topics in blog search engines.
(3) Make use of the "ping"
The "pinging" action will enable you to automatically alert readers that you have written a new post on your blog. This action is executed through the various blog directories and other services that do publish blog updates. Upon publishing your latest post, you will "ping" directories and search engines. The latter will search for the new content on your blog. The "pinging" action will show your blog up in a list of recently updated blogs. To save you the time of "pinging" major search engines and directories separately, you can perform this action in one huge ping , by making use of BlogExplosion , Pingoat or Ping-O-Matic . It is important to remember that you need to "ping" only once. Take note that this "ping" act is one of the more important strategies for blog promotion that should not be neglected.
(4) Two-way comments
If you want to get more traffic, one way is to post your comments on the blogs of others. You should also allow others to post their comments on your blog too. Your perceptions on your blog can be read by others. Posting your comments is in effect equivalent to your contribution to a discussion with other bloggers. Anything topic that is insightful and interesting will surely draw more readers to your blog. It is a door to the building up of your reputation as an expert in your industry. The provision and availability of good helpful resources and relevant links to the topic in question will please the readers and should help to add value to the discussion.
(5) Performing exchanging of links with others
Linking up with other blogs and getting linked back to your own blog is a proven strategy that is intrinsically perfect integration with the blogging model. Readers will be able to access more sources of information on your blog. Your blog will be able to capture more traffic as other blogs link up with your blog. Importantly, the incoming links to your blog should be absolutely relevant to the content of your blog. This is another vital strategy for blog promotion, simply because if the incoming links originate from relevant high-traffic sites, your blog's search engine ranking will be positively affected. Links can be placed within individual posts.
(6) Put "trackback" to full use
In blogging, you can use "trackback" to the list of other blogs that have linked to particular posts on your blog. You can locate these in the comments section under each post. With this feature enabled through your blog software, each time someone makes a link to a post on blog, you will be informed via an automated message from the other blog, and in return, your blog software will automatically add a link to the other blog below the post that is being referred to. You can use Haloscan where you can find free trackback tools to manage.
(7) Good quality content
What's needed most on your blog is content. Content must be of quality in order to attract readers. If you want to write real good content, you must ensure two things:
(a) Information that you give on your blog must be unique. Give expert content from various perspectives.
(b) Keep yourself informed and abreast of latest developments in your industry. Be the one to make the first spin of news.
(8) Create repeat traffic
Readers come and go. The solution to this scenario will be for you to write new post on new topic every day. It appears to be hard work, but there isn't much choice if traffic is to be repeated. Remember that the content must be great. This is a vital strategy for blog promotion, especially for the purpose of generating repeat traffic. Writing up a series of posts will help in getting repeat traffic as readers will come back for more revelation from the future post. You can even try to request from your readers their email addresses, so that you can notify them of your new updates. This is essentially building up an opt-in list that opens the door to numerous email marketing opportunities.
(9) Social bookmarking, blog awards, web ring
Join social bookmarking sites such as that permits users to share their favorite web sites with one another. Just "tag" to your blog posts and readers will be able to bookmark your site in their account. Another great social bookmarking is Digg. Blog awards are given out online. You can participate for the fun and traffic that it will potentially drive to your blog. You can also join a web ring where you can find many groups of like-minded people who may fall into your category of target audience. This will enable you to build your relationship with them on same platform.
To make your blog effective, you will have to work hard on your content. Using the above listed strategies for blog promotion, you will be able to drive traffic to your blog, as well as succeed in your creation of repeat traffic. So, put these strategies to good use and blow away your competition.
For latest updates on how to increase traffic, raise page ranking, write effective articles and powerful squeeze pages, create explosive blog marketing system, learn about viral marketing, and bring in massive income from your internet marketing business, please Click here [].
Strategies for blog promotion are many. Nonetheless, what's listed below are proven strategies that should work effectively for your blog.
(1) Search engines and blog directories
Web directories such as Yahoo and search engines such as Google surfaced to catalog all new sites that are being created. Directories prominently used are Technorati , Blogwise , just to name a few. Send your newly created blog to such directories and search engines for indexing. Your blog will be made visible promptly.
(2) Apt description of your blog to your targeted audience
Write a short and apt description of your blog ; the description must fit the type of audience that you have targeted. Whatever benefits that readers can get from reading your blog must be clearly pointed out. One of the strategies for blog promotion requires you to let your readers know the real reason why they should read your blog in the first instance. What's in your blog for them? You can support this strategy by using "tagging" which essentially is a subject or category description that you are attaching to your blog and to each individual blog post. This will make your blog more easily searchable by others. Tagging can be done with your posts on directories such as Technorati, for instance you can add tags like "London" and "shopping" to a particular post so that your blog will show up when others search for these topics in blog search engines.
(3) Make use of the "ping"
The "pinging" action will enable you to automatically alert readers that you have written a new post on your blog. This action is executed through the various blog directories and other services that do publish blog updates. Upon publishing your latest post, you will "ping" directories and search engines. The latter will search for the new content on your blog. The "pinging" action will show your blog up in a list of recently updated blogs. To save you the time of "pinging" major search engines and directories separately, you can perform this action in one huge ping , by making use of BlogExplosion , Pingoat or Ping-O-Matic . It is important to remember that you need to "ping" only once. Take note that this "ping" act is one of the more important strategies for blog promotion that should not be neglected.
(4) Two-way comments
If you want to get more traffic, one way is to post your comments on the blogs of others. You should also allow others to post their comments on your blog too. Your perceptions on your blog can be read by others. Posting your comments is in effect equivalent to your contribution to a discussion with other bloggers. Anything topic that is insightful and interesting will surely draw more readers to your blog. It is a door to the building up of your reputation as an expert in your industry. The provision and availability of good helpful resources and relevant links to the topic in question will please the readers and should help to add value to the discussion.
(5) Performing exchanging of links with others
Linking up with other blogs and getting linked back to your own blog is a proven strategy that is intrinsically perfect integration with the blogging model. Readers will be able to access more sources of information on your blog. Your blog will be able to capture more traffic as other blogs link up with your blog. Importantly, the incoming links to your blog should be absolutely relevant to the content of your blog. This is another vital strategy for blog promotion, simply because if the incoming links originate from relevant high-traffic sites, your blog's search engine ranking will be positively affected. Links can be placed within individual posts.
(6) Put "trackback" to full use
In blogging, you can use "trackback" to the list of other blogs that have linked to particular posts on your blog. You can locate these in the comments section under each post. With this feature enabled through your blog software, each time someone makes a link to a post on blog, you will be informed via an automated message from the other blog, and in return, your blog software will automatically add a link to the other blog below the post that is being referred to. You can use Haloscan where you can find free trackback tools to manage.
(7) Good quality content
What's needed most on your blog is content. Content must be of quality in order to attract readers. If you want to write real good content, you must ensure two things:
(a) Information that you give on your blog must be unique. Give expert content from various perspectives.
(b) Keep yourself informed and abreast of latest developments in your industry. Be the one to make the first spin of news.
(8) Create repeat traffic
Readers come and go. The solution to this scenario will be for you to write new post on new topic every day. It appears to be hard work, but there isn't much choice if traffic is to be repeated. Remember that the content must be great. This is a vital strategy for blog promotion, especially for the purpose of generating repeat traffic. Writing up a series of posts will help in getting repeat traffic as readers will come back for more revelation from the future post. You can even try to request from your readers their email addresses, so that you can notify them of your new updates. This is essentially building up an opt-in list that opens the door to numerous email marketing opportunities.
(9) Social bookmarking, blog awards, web ring
Join social bookmarking sites such as that permits users to share their favorite web sites with one another. Just "tag" to your blog posts and readers will be able to bookmark your site in their account. Another great social bookmarking is Digg. Blog awards are given out online. You can participate for the fun and traffic that it will potentially drive to your blog. You can also join a web ring where you can find many groups of like-minded people who may fall into your category of target audience. This will enable you to build your relationship with them on same platform.
To make your blog effective, you will have to work hard on your content. Using the above listed strategies for blog promotion, you will be able to drive traffic to your blog, as well as succeed in your creation of repeat traffic. So, put these strategies to good use and blow away your competition.
For latest updates on how to increase traffic, raise page ranking, write effective articles and powerful squeeze pages, create explosive blog marketing system, learn about viral marketing, and bring in massive income from your internet marketing business, please Click here [].
Tips Promoting Your Business With Blogs
Blogs are the news and educational outlets of the future. They have pushed themselves up as a leading presence on the internet. For those who once wanted to create a website, but perhaps they had no interesting content. The blog has made it possible to earn some massive traffic for even the smallest of websites. If a person blogs daily on a blog website their site will become over 365 pages large! (each blog post becomes it's own page....well, with blogging programs like blogger and wordpress). With all that content and a niche', traffic is sure to come. Well, not exactly.
The whole "build it and they will come" philosophy does NOT apply to the internet any longer. Perhaps at the internet's conception, and during the following 2 years, this may have been true. Now, even the largest and best blogs may be elusive if not advertised or networked by some means. It would be nice to toss up a nice website with targeted content, and watch the traffic flow in. If this were the case, there would be MANY more rich bloggers out there. Blogging has also become the best way to learn the latest and most important news in any industry. Now, I read about current events and funny stories sometimes days before they appear on the news or radio. Blogs are a bigger power-house than most even realize.
If you are thinking of starting a blog, make sure it has a niche', or a targeted audience. You could start a gardening blog, a marriage blog, a business blog, an internet business blog, a marketing blog, a web design blog, a graphic design blog, and even a super hero ninja-clown blog. You'd be extremely surprised at how many people are creating blogs these days...and even more surprised at WHAT people are creating blogs about. Reading blogs regularly is not only a great way to gauge your audience in your target industry, but also a great way to keep up with the latest techniques and trends in whatever it is that you are interested in. In reality, blogs really are the newest media form... and with sites like Digg, Twitter, Reddit, and stumble upon, your blog is sure to get noticed by someone!
So how does one slip some shameless self promotion into your own blog, or better yet...even others blogs? If you are writing a targeted blog, in YOUR industry, this shouldn't be too hard. Say you are a martial arts teacher. You start a martial arts blog, and promote it. List your business and your expertise in the blog every now and again. As others in the industry find your blog, they'll link to it from their site if they enjoy your content. This is the art of basic blog promotion. There are also a ton of feed websites to submit your blog to, such as Technorati, and a few other biggies that you must submit to to start monitoring traffic, incoming links, and so on.
Another obvious key to business blog promotion is to network yourself and your blog. Many bloggers believe that it is considerate to leave comments on blogs to show appreciation, and to add to the community experience. Commenting also leaves behind your blog's link, so others can find you through more popular blogs within your industry. Making friends in the blog world is a great way to get your blog and your name out there. It's also a great way to generate regular readers of your blog.
I strongly suggest that if you already have a business and a business website, to add a blog to it as soon as possible. Whether it is an industry news blog, or just a blog about the news and current events within your own company. It's a great way to add more content (words) to your site that are like food to the search engines. Industry experts have also said that adding a blog to your company's site is a way to better connect with your consumer, since they can comment and address issues they have with pretty much anything. Many consumers see it as a better way to access an authority figure within the company as well. Large companies that utilizing blogging include Toyota, Google, HP, and many more.
When it comes down to it, blogging can be a great tool to promote your business if used correctly. Remember, the blogging world is immense, so if you are ready to sit down and start a blog, make sure to design a strategy of how to market that blog. Submit it, Submit it, and Network! Don't be shy when it comes to commenting. If you enjoyed another's blog, make sure to comment and let them know! bloggers enjoy feedback, and it usually elicits friendships and new readership.
The whole "build it and they will come" philosophy does NOT apply to the internet any longer. Perhaps at the internet's conception, and during the following 2 years, this may have been true. Now, even the largest and best blogs may be elusive if not advertised or networked by some means. It would be nice to toss up a nice website with targeted content, and watch the traffic flow in. If this were the case, there would be MANY more rich bloggers out there. Blogging has also become the best way to learn the latest and most important news in any industry. Now, I read about current events and funny stories sometimes days before they appear on the news or radio. Blogs are a bigger power-house than most even realize.
If you are thinking of starting a blog, make sure it has a niche', or a targeted audience. You could start a gardening blog, a marriage blog, a business blog, an internet business blog, a marketing blog, a web design blog, a graphic design blog, and even a super hero ninja-clown blog. You'd be extremely surprised at how many people are creating blogs these days...and even more surprised at WHAT people are creating blogs about. Reading blogs regularly is not only a great way to gauge your audience in your target industry, but also a great way to keep up with the latest techniques and trends in whatever it is that you are interested in. In reality, blogs really are the newest media form... and with sites like Digg, Twitter, Reddit, and stumble upon, your blog is sure to get noticed by someone!
So how does one slip some shameless self promotion into your own blog, or better yet...even others blogs? If you are writing a targeted blog, in YOUR industry, this shouldn't be too hard. Say you are a martial arts teacher. You start a martial arts blog, and promote it. List your business and your expertise in the blog every now and again. As others in the industry find your blog, they'll link to it from their site if they enjoy your content. This is the art of basic blog promotion. There are also a ton of feed websites to submit your blog to, such as Technorati, and a few other biggies that you must submit to to start monitoring traffic, incoming links, and so on.
Another obvious key to business blog promotion is to network yourself and your blog. Many bloggers believe that it is considerate to leave comments on blogs to show appreciation, and to add to the community experience. Commenting also leaves behind your blog's link, so others can find you through more popular blogs within your industry. Making friends in the blog world is a great way to get your blog and your name out there. It's also a great way to generate regular readers of your blog.
I strongly suggest that if you already have a business and a business website, to add a blog to it as soon as possible. Whether it is an industry news blog, or just a blog about the news and current events within your own company. It's a great way to add more content (words) to your site that are like food to the search engines. Industry experts have also said that adding a blog to your company's site is a way to better connect with your consumer, since they can comment and address issues they have with pretty much anything. Many consumers see it as a better way to access an authority figure within the company as well. Large companies that utilizing blogging include Toyota, Google, HP, and many more.
When it comes down to it, blogging can be a great tool to promote your business if used correctly. Remember, the blogging world is immense, so if you are ready to sit down and start a blog, make sure to design a strategy of how to market that blog. Submit it, Submit it, and Network! Don't be shy when it comes to commenting. If you enjoyed another's blog, make sure to comment and let them know! bloggers enjoy feedback, and it usually elicits friendships and new readership.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Top SEO For Blogs 2014
Blogging software is really a simple Content Management System (CMS) that easily adds new pages and integrates them into your site's navigational structure and linkage.
Blogs and blog posts are naturally search engine friendly because they are text-rich, link-rich, frequently-updated webpages that use stylesheets or CSS, and have very little extraneous HTML.
Optimizing a blog is very similar to optimizing a website, and optimizing a blog post similar to optimizing a web page. But depending on the blogging service or software you use, the results may look somewhat different.
If you follow some simple rules for search engine optimization, your blog can rank much higher than static website pages in the search engine results pages.
Here are the most important rules to follow to get your posts listed for keywords of your choice.
1. Use your primary keyword in your blog domain
Whether you purchase a separate domain (recommended) for your blog, or host it on a blogging service or a subdomain of your own site, try to ensure that your URL contains the primary keyword you want to optimize for.
For example, if you want your blog to get found for the keyword "RSS" get a domain with the keyword "RSS", or use the keyword in a subdomain. Getting a domain name with your own name might make for good branding, especially if yours is a personal blog.
But if you're doing it for business and want the targeted traffic to flow your way, keywords in the domain or subdomain are a move in the right direction.
2. Use your primary key phrase in your blog header tags and the title of your posts
If your primary key phrase is "business blogging" make sure that the word business, or blogging, or both, appear in your blog headers (the H1 or H2 tags) as well as the title of each of your posts.
Most blogging software will take the keywords in your post title and put them into the file name of the permalink posts it creates.
For example, if you have a blog on Blogger and title your post "Search Engine Optimization For Blogs", Blogger will automatically create a page with your post and name the file "search-engine-optimization-for-blogs.html" or something similar.
With other server-side software like WordPress and Movable Type, you may require the mod_rewrite command to save the title of your entries as a permalink.
3. Use your secondary keywords in the body of your post
If you want to get listed for secondary keywords use them infrequently in the body of your post and pepper your blog titles or links with them appropriately. Don't overdo this or your posts will end up sounding unnatural and spammy to readers.
4. Use your keywords in the anchor text of links
Keyword in links have more importance than simple text. Use your primary and secondary keywords in the anchor text of links when linking to other blog posts or to other pages on your main site.
Link keywords where they naturally appear in the body text, but again, don't overdo it, or you'll end up with spammy looking pages.
5. Make sure search engines can spider your blog easily
Set up your blog so that the side navigation bar is present on all pages. Make sure your archives and previous posts are accessible from all pages of your blog so they get spidered easily.
6. Get backlinks from other blogs or websites
Links pointing to your blog or posts are essential to build pagerank and make your blog rank higher in the search engine listings. I recommend that you focus your linking efforts on the methods here.
Submitting to Blog Search Engines and Directories:
Submitting your blog and RSS feed to blog search engines and directories is essential for getting high-quality links back to your blog.
Link Exchanges:
Many similarly-themed blogs are often willing to exchange links with other blogs and form richly interlinked networks or communities. Link exchanges with other blogs are easy to implement with most blogging software.
You can also get links back to your blog using trackbacks. One of the disadvantages of using Blogger is that it does not automatically create trackback URLs that others can use to link back to your posts.
But if trackbacks are an important component of your linking strategy, I would advise using another software or system that adds this feature automatically.
You can also get back links to your blog by posting legitimate comments in response to posts on other blogs.
7. Update frequently
There's no better food for search engine spiders than fresh content.
Post and update your blog frequently using all the rules outlined above and there's no reason why your blog will not get you top rankings in a short period of time.
8. Stay put
Once you create your blog, try to stick to the same domain and blog host or system for as long as you continue to publish.
You could end up losing a lot of your traffic, your readers and all your search engine listings if you decide to move.
For more ways of building traffic to your blog, read the article "How To Build Traffic To Your Blog".
Blogs and blog posts are naturally search engine friendly because they are text-rich, link-rich, frequently-updated webpages that use stylesheets or CSS, and have very little extraneous HTML.
Optimizing a blog is very similar to optimizing a website, and optimizing a blog post similar to optimizing a web page. But depending on the blogging service or software you use, the results may look somewhat different.
If you follow some simple rules for search engine optimization, your blog can rank much higher than static website pages in the search engine results pages.
Here are the most important rules to follow to get your posts listed for keywords of your choice.
1. Use your primary keyword in your blog domain
Whether you purchase a separate domain (recommended) for your blog, or host it on a blogging service or a subdomain of your own site, try to ensure that your URL contains the primary keyword you want to optimize for.
For example, if you want your blog to get found for the keyword "RSS" get a domain with the keyword "RSS", or use the keyword in a subdomain. Getting a domain name with your own name might make for good branding, especially if yours is a personal blog.
But if you're doing it for business and want the targeted traffic to flow your way, keywords in the domain or subdomain are a move in the right direction.
2. Use your primary key phrase in your blog header tags and the title of your posts
If your primary key phrase is "business blogging" make sure that the word business, or blogging, or both, appear in your blog headers (the H1 or H2 tags) as well as the title of each of your posts.
Most blogging software will take the keywords in your post title and put them into the file name of the permalink posts it creates.
For example, if you have a blog on Blogger and title your post "Search Engine Optimization For Blogs", Blogger will automatically create a page with your post and name the file "search-engine-optimization-for-blogs.html" or something similar.
With other server-side software like WordPress and Movable Type, you may require the mod_rewrite command to save the title of your entries as a permalink.
3. Use your secondary keywords in the body of your post
If you want to get listed for secondary keywords use them infrequently in the body of your post and pepper your blog titles or links with them appropriately. Don't overdo this or your posts will end up sounding unnatural and spammy to readers.
4. Use your keywords in the anchor text of links
Keyword in links have more importance than simple text. Use your primary and secondary keywords in the anchor text of links when linking to other blog posts or to other pages on your main site.
Link keywords where they naturally appear in the body text, but again, don't overdo it, or you'll end up with spammy looking pages.
5. Make sure search engines can spider your blog easily
Set up your blog so that the side navigation bar is present on all pages. Make sure your archives and previous posts are accessible from all pages of your blog so they get spidered easily.
6. Get backlinks from other blogs or websites
Links pointing to your blog or posts are essential to build pagerank and make your blog rank higher in the search engine listings. I recommend that you focus your linking efforts on the methods here.
Submitting to Blog Search Engines and Directories:
Submitting your blog and RSS feed to blog search engines and directories is essential for getting high-quality links back to your blog.
Link Exchanges:
Many similarly-themed blogs are often willing to exchange links with other blogs and form richly interlinked networks or communities. Link exchanges with other blogs are easy to implement with most blogging software.
You can also get links back to your blog using trackbacks. One of the disadvantages of using Blogger is that it does not automatically create trackback URLs that others can use to link back to your posts.
But if trackbacks are an important component of your linking strategy, I would advise using another software or system that adds this feature automatically.
You can also get back links to your blog by posting legitimate comments in response to posts on other blogs.
7. Update frequently
There's no better food for search engine spiders than fresh content.
Post and update your blog frequently using all the rules outlined above and there's no reason why your blog will not get you top rankings in a short period of time.
8. Stay put
Once you create your blog, try to stick to the same domain and blog host or system for as long as you continue to publish.
You could end up losing a lot of your traffic, your readers and all your search engine listings if you decide to move.
For more ways of building traffic to your blog, read the article "How To Build Traffic To Your Blog".
Advertising Using Blogs
Advertising Your Blog In Your Email Signature
If you have a blog that you are particularly proud of,and that you want to share with other people, there are a lot of free ways that you can get your blog noticed.
One of those ways is something that you do everyday,and that you may not even consider as a way to share your blog. Put the link to your blog in your email signature.
Chances are that you send out emails more times that you can count during the day, Each time you send out an email, you can advertise your blog by putting the address of your blog in your email's signature.
It's always a good idea to write something catchy like, See what I am up to now, or Read my latest chapter of my fanfic here, depending on what type of blog you have.
The thing to remember about putting an adveritsement in your signature for your blog is to make it short, but eye catching.
You want people to be interested enough to want to click on it, but you also don't want to scare them off.
Just like it is with any adveritsement, you want to give them just enough to be interested and take a closer look at what it is that you are advertising.
Think about what it is that your blog is about. What is really going to interest people about it and want to visit That is what you should include in your signature, and that is what is going to get people to go to your blog.
Blogger Forums - A Great Place To Advertise Your Blog
No matter what type of blog that you have, one of the best places that you can advertise your blog is to join a blogger forum. After all, everyone who posts there has a blog and thats the main subject.
It's a great place to meet other bloggers and to advertise your blog.
There are quite a few blogger forums that you can signup for on the Internet. One is known as Bloggeries,where you can show off your blog, get your blog reviewed or review other blogs, and find lots of tools that you can use for your own blog.
Another good place to go is to Blog Forum.
Blog Forum, like Bloggeries, has spots for you to market and show off your blog,
Blogger forums are a great place to advertise because everyone in them are of the same mind and want to make certain that their blogs get noticed and read.
If you use your blog to advertise something that you are selling, or you want to get a lot of traffic to your blog in order to make money, you want to go someplace where it can get exposure.
When you advertise on a blog forum, you know that you are placing your advertisement in a place where blogging is something that people enjoy.
Just remember when you are posting to a forum to read the rules and abide by them. That way you'll get your blog noticed and you will know that you are doing the
Blogging Directories - Great Advertising Venues
If you want to have more people visit your blog, there are plenty of blog directories on the Internet that you can submit your blog to so that people will come and visit it. Most blog directories are listed by the topics that the blogs that are submitted cover.
Blog Catalog is a free blog directory that offers categories such as career and jobs, writing, Iraq, and many others. It has features such as featured blogs and other things to offer those who submit their blogs there.
Another great place to add your blog is Not only do they have an an extensive list of categories with sub categories, you can get your blog reviewed. For the most popular blogs, it shows the amount of hits that blogs have and if they have any reviews. As well as listing by category, the blogs are also listed by location.
There are other blog directories on the Internet -these are only a couple of them. But blog directories are a great place to advertise your blog and to make new friends. You never know what you will find when you browsing through the directory, and you may just find out information that you never knew. Some of the blog directories offer chat features as well, so that you can meet other people easily.
As you can see, blog directories are a great place to get your blog noticed and bring people to read your blog and look at your pictures.
Blogging Traffic - Give And Take
Blogging traffic is a give and take relationship.Sometimes one of the best ways to get traffic to your blog is by visiting someone else 's blog.
Go to their blog and read one of their entries, or read a few of them. Chances are that you are going to find something that you have in common.
When you find something that you find truly interesting on a blog, leave a comment so that they know that you were there.
One of the best known blogs available is Live Journal. A great feature of Live Journal is that you can search for interests on their site and it will come up with results of those who have that interest.
Are you interested in horseback riding You can see what other bloggers are interested in horseback riding as well.
When you are commenting on someone's post, you want to make sure that you don't leave generic comment. If you like the post, say something about what you read in the post.
After you have commented on the person's post, then you can say something like, 'I really like horsebackriding too. I had a similar experience to yours.' and then use it to link back to your journal.
But be sure that you sound sincere when you are commenting, and don't make them feel like you're just fishing for traffic.
If someone thinks that you are using their blog to get more traffic to yours, they won't visit your site and your efforts will be wasted.
Join A Community To Advertise Your Blog
Something that you will find, especially if you join something like Live Journal or Greatest Journal, is that users just like you have created communities for people with common interests.
There are communities for just about any subject, and if you find that there isn't a community for the subject you can create one. This is a great place to advertise your blog.
The nice thing about communities is that there isn't any limit as to how many communities that you can join.
For example, say that you love blogging about books,horseback riding, and skiing in Tahoe. All you have to do is look through the communities for ones that have those interests and join them.
As long as you post something related to the topic to the chosen community, people will see you and perhaps they will check out your personal blog.
Something to remember is that you don't want to write a post that is one sentence long in order to get people to go to your blog. They will want to know that what you write is interesting and is something worth reading.
Joining communities can be a great way to advertise your blog and drive traffic to it. If you are referring to something that you posted about on your blog, you can use a link back to your entry in your post.
As with posting comments on someone else's blog, you don't want people to think that you joined a community simply to get traffic to your blog. Otherwise, people won't visit your blog and you may get banned from the community as well.
Email Groups - Hidden Treasure Troves For Advertising A Blog
Something that has become increasingly popular since the Internet has grown are the email groups that are available through Yahoo, MSN, and other venues.
They are a great way to meet other people who have a common interest, and are very similar to the communities that are available through blogging sites.
There is plenty of diverse subjects and there are communities for just about any subject.
These groups can be a great place for people who have a blog about the subject and want to share it with other people.
Most of the time when you join a group, you are encouraged to take a moment and to introduce yourself.This is a great opportunity to tell people about your blog, but make certain that you don't overdo it.
Just like with any of the other places you will advertise your blog, you want to make people want to go to your blog. If you are too overbearing, you will turn people off.
If your blog covers different subjects, you can advertise it on the other groups that cover those subjects as well.
Make certain that your post to the groups is interesting and that you let people know what it is that your blog is about. There's nothing worse than getting taken to a blog under false pretences.
When people visit your blog, make certain that you thank them for visiting and respond to comments that they leave.
If they know that you appreciate the time that they took, they are more likely to come back again.
The power of being seen is the up most importance and blogging is one the best ways you can make sure others know of you, don't let it pass you by.
If you have a blog that you are particularly proud of,and that you want to share with other people, there are a lot of free ways that you can get your blog noticed.
One of those ways is something that you do everyday,and that you may not even consider as a way to share your blog. Put the link to your blog in your email signature.
Chances are that you send out emails more times that you can count during the day, Each time you send out an email, you can advertise your blog by putting the address of your blog in your email's signature.
It's always a good idea to write something catchy like, See what I am up to now, or Read my latest chapter of my fanfic here, depending on what type of blog you have.
The thing to remember about putting an adveritsement in your signature for your blog is to make it short, but eye catching.
You want people to be interested enough to want to click on it, but you also don't want to scare them off.
Just like it is with any adveritsement, you want to give them just enough to be interested and take a closer look at what it is that you are advertising.
Think about what it is that your blog is about. What is really going to interest people about it and want to visit That is what you should include in your signature, and that is what is going to get people to go to your blog.
Blogger Forums - A Great Place To Advertise Your Blog
No matter what type of blog that you have, one of the best places that you can advertise your blog is to join a blogger forum. After all, everyone who posts there has a blog and thats the main subject.
It's a great place to meet other bloggers and to advertise your blog.
There are quite a few blogger forums that you can signup for on the Internet. One is known as Bloggeries,where you can show off your blog, get your blog reviewed or review other blogs, and find lots of tools that you can use for your own blog.
Another good place to go is to Blog Forum.
Blog Forum, like Bloggeries, has spots for you to market and show off your blog,
Blogger forums are a great place to advertise because everyone in them are of the same mind and want to make certain that their blogs get noticed and read.
If you use your blog to advertise something that you are selling, or you want to get a lot of traffic to your blog in order to make money, you want to go someplace where it can get exposure.
When you advertise on a blog forum, you know that you are placing your advertisement in a place where blogging is something that people enjoy.
Just remember when you are posting to a forum to read the rules and abide by them. That way you'll get your blog noticed and you will know that you are doing the
Blogging Directories - Great Advertising Venues
If you want to have more people visit your blog, there are plenty of blog directories on the Internet that you can submit your blog to so that people will come and visit it. Most blog directories are listed by the topics that the blogs that are submitted cover.
Blog Catalog is a free blog directory that offers categories such as career and jobs, writing, Iraq, and many others. It has features such as featured blogs and other things to offer those who submit their blogs there.
Another great place to add your blog is Not only do they have an an extensive list of categories with sub categories, you can get your blog reviewed. For the most popular blogs, it shows the amount of hits that blogs have and if they have any reviews. As well as listing by category, the blogs are also listed by location.
There are other blog directories on the Internet -these are only a couple of them. But blog directories are a great place to advertise your blog and to make new friends. You never know what you will find when you browsing through the directory, and you may just find out information that you never knew. Some of the blog directories offer chat features as well, so that you can meet other people easily.
As you can see, blog directories are a great place to get your blog noticed and bring people to read your blog and look at your pictures.
Blogging Traffic - Give And Take
Blogging traffic is a give and take relationship.Sometimes one of the best ways to get traffic to your blog is by visiting someone else 's blog.
Go to their blog and read one of their entries, or read a few of them. Chances are that you are going to find something that you have in common.
When you find something that you find truly interesting on a blog, leave a comment so that they know that you were there.
One of the best known blogs available is Live Journal. A great feature of Live Journal is that you can search for interests on their site and it will come up with results of those who have that interest.
Are you interested in horseback riding You can see what other bloggers are interested in horseback riding as well.
When you are commenting on someone's post, you want to make sure that you don't leave generic comment. If you like the post, say something about what you read in the post.
After you have commented on the person's post, then you can say something like, 'I really like horsebackriding too. I had a similar experience to yours.' and then use it to link back to your journal.
But be sure that you sound sincere when you are commenting, and don't make them feel like you're just fishing for traffic.
If someone thinks that you are using their blog to get more traffic to yours, they won't visit your site and your efforts will be wasted.
Join A Community To Advertise Your Blog
Something that you will find, especially if you join something like Live Journal or Greatest Journal, is that users just like you have created communities for people with common interests.
There are communities for just about any subject, and if you find that there isn't a community for the subject you can create one. This is a great place to advertise your blog.
The nice thing about communities is that there isn't any limit as to how many communities that you can join.
For example, say that you love blogging about books,horseback riding, and skiing in Tahoe. All you have to do is look through the communities for ones that have those interests and join them.
As long as you post something related to the topic to the chosen community, people will see you and perhaps they will check out your personal blog.
Something to remember is that you don't want to write a post that is one sentence long in order to get people to go to your blog. They will want to know that what you write is interesting and is something worth reading.
Joining communities can be a great way to advertise your blog and drive traffic to it. If you are referring to something that you posted about on your blog, you can use a link back to your entry in your post.
As with posting comments on someone else's blog, you don't want people to think that you joined a community simply to get traffic to your blog. Otherwise, people won't visit your blog and you may get banned from the community as well.
Email Groups - Hidden Treasure Troves For Advertising A Blog
Something that has become increasingly popular since the Internet has grown are the email groups that are available through Yahoo, MSN, and other venues.
They are a great way to meet other people who have a common interest, and are very similar to the communities that are available through blogging sites.
There is plenty of diverse subjects and there are communities for just about any subject.
These groups can be a great place for people who have a blog about the subject and want to share it with other people.
Most of the time when you join a group, you are encouraged to take a moment and to introduce yourself.This is a great opportunity to tell people about your blog, but make certain that you don't overdo it.
Just like with any of the other places you will advertise your blog, you want to make people want to go to your blog. If you are too overbearing, you will turn people off.
If your blog covers different subjects, you can advertise it on the other groups that cover those subjects as well.
Make certain that your post to the groups is interesting and that you let people know what it is that your blog is about. There's nothing worse than getting taken to a blog under false pretences.
When people visit your blog, make certain that you thank them for visiting and respond to comments that they leave.
If they know that you appreciate the time that they took, they are more likely to come back again.
The power of being seen is the up most importance and blogging is one the best ways you can make sure others know of you, don't let it pass you by.
Best SEO BLOG 2014
I. Overview of Topic
How to blog is a question on many people's minds these days. Blogging has taken the world by storm. Since 2004, when it first made its appearance, this popular medium of having your own little corner of the world to express yourself has turned into a veritable deluge. Today there are more than 120 million blogs that are currently tracked by the Tecnorati blog search engine. No wonder then, that owning and maintaining a blog has become almost a fashion statement, especially in the U.S.
When first embarking on a blogging journey, there are some knotty questions that usually beset one's mind regarding how to blog. Let's start with the basics.
What kinds of topics can be the subjects of blogs?
Just about anything. Simply put, a blog is an online personal diary on just about any topic you care to write about, ranging from politics to sports and fitness to religion, health, freelancing, literature, or whatever suits your fancy. But picking a subject you have solid experience in will enable you to write meaningful content that will pull in an audience for your blog. Without an audience you'll soon tire of your blog and it will join the millions of abandoned blogs lost in cyberspace.
How are blogs categorized in blog search engines?
Blog search engines like Technorati and IceRocket categorize them by subject. The most general categorization, though, is personal vs. business-oriented blogs. Yours will probably fit into the former of these categories.
Are blogs only text or can they have other features as well?
Though basically consisting of text, many blog users make their web pages more attractive by adding pictures, audio and video files.
How can I make my blog easy to navigate and attractive to readers?
A successful blog usually follows a clear simple format with its articles plainly delineated, archives (in a sidebar), and a place at the bottom for visitors to leave comments. Some also include blogrolls, which are just lists of links to other similar blogs. The best bloggers are usually people who are able to connect with their visitors' emotions, by means of artistic expression in many cases. To learn how to blog with the winners your number one teacher is other blogs - read and study a lot of them before starting your own. A good place to research blogs on your topic is
What are some tips for setting up a blog?
- First, remember your blog is a reflection of your personality. Pick a theme or a topic close to your heart or one you know something about. Correction, one you know a lot about.
- Be consistent. If you want your blog to get really popular you need to connect with your visitors on a regular, predictable schedule. Plan on publishing at least twice a week. If that sounds like too much work, once a week is the absolute lowest you can go, say blog gurus.
- Connect/network. Connect with other blog writers by leaving comments on their posts and by providing links to their blogs on your website. This kind of networking will do wonders for your traffic.
- Keep it simple. Don't clutter up your blog with meaningless details. Select a simple clean appealing design. Use fonts and colors which increase text visibility. Add videos, audios, photographs and music files only if these make your blog more attractive and/or useful.
- Don't stick your neck out - or not too far anyway. Blogs can get opinionated, which is fine, but don't put yourself at risk of a heavy-duty defamation suit. It's fine to express your opinions - so long as you make it clear they're just that, your opinions -- and always be sure that your blog is not defaming somebody, divulging sensitive information, or giving away corporate secrets.
Okay, I get the feel about how to blog. Now where do I go from here?
To get started, you first need to select suitable weblog software. This is necessary in order to create and manage your blog. There's quite an assortment of blogging software out there. Some offer ease of design and development while other programs offer more elaborate features, for example, allowing you to add discussion forums, message boards etc. Some weblogs can be downloaded and installed directly on your system. Freeware and open source software are available, though these programs are not as feature-rich as some of the paid proprietary software. Here's a rundown of the most popular blogging software:
Wordpress is the number one blog publishing software. Why? -- because it's freeware, easy to install, and has a minimal learning curve. Its extensive documentation and step-by-step installation guide make it a cakewalk even for a novice user. Among its most salient features are --
Easy installation - Even a newbie can get Wordpress up and going in 5 minutes. Moreover, web pages are generated dynamically by using thousands of built-in templates thereby greatly reducing your time and effort.
User Management - Restricts access to users while you're making modifications in your weblog. So in effect you have separate access for readers and administrative users.
Saves precious bandwidth through its Gzip feature, which reduces blog transmission size.
Enables you to place RSS feeds into your blogs and also aids in inter-blog communication by providing features like pingback and trackback.
Comes with lots of plugins making it possible for you to incorporate any feature you want. You can also integrate Wordpress with Akismet, a popular anti-spam software program used to protect blogs from spammers.
Other useful features include a database of visitors, capability to save previous drafts, blog previews, and easy formatting.
Want to see some popular blogs that use Wordpress. Two to start with are: Ilovetypography and Problogger.
Created and owned by Six Apart Limited, Typepad is a blog hosting website currently used by many large organizations in the US, such as Sky News, BBC, and MSNBC for hosting their weblogs. Launched in October 2003, Typepad today can boast that it's the number one paid blogging service worldwide. Available in multiple languages in different parts of the world, users have three different subscription options: $4.50/month for a basic subscription to $14.50/month for the pro edition. Among its features: The software enables you to associate each article in your blog with a URL, and easy uploading and sharing photo albums from multiple authors have made this a vox populi among professional bloggers. So if writing is your passion and you want to make it a profession, you can start by signing up for Typepad.
Movable Type
The first blogging system developed by Six Apart Limited in 2001, Movable Type hosts some of the world's top blogs, such as Huffington Post and Boing Boing. Developed using Perl, Movable Type supports LDAP protocol for efficient user management and automatic provisioning of blogs. This blogging system is extremely useful if you want to run multiple blogs using a single installation. The system is enriched with all possible features you could possibly think of, such as a customizable template library, ability to create categories and sub categories of articles, efficient user management directory servers and hordes of independent plugins that can be used to support different services, like creating discussion forums. This blogging system is an attractive choice if you have a technical bent.
Text Pattern
Developed by Dean Allen as an open source content management system, this is one of the simplest blogging systems available today. The most useful feature of Text Pattern is textile that helps in converting simple text documents into stylish HTML web pages using built-in style sheets. Text Pattern has a built-in CSS editor that simplifies the task of changing your web site's designs, fonts, position of the text and the background color. You can also password-protect certain sections of your blogs and keep regular track of visitors and their comments. The date and time stamp of each article is adjustable and you can save drafts of your blogs for future publication. What makes it most attractive is that Text Pattern provides a built-in search engine and the users can also link XML feeds into their blogs. The simplicity of Text Pattern is its USP. For most beginners choosing this service is almost a nobrainer.
Developed by Pyra Systems and bought by Google in 2003, Blogger is one of the most popular blogging systems to date. Google subsequently acquired Picasa in 2004 and integrated the latter's photo sharing feature 'Hello' into Blogger. Alexa ranks Blogger as the 9th most visited site worldwide, indicating its enormous popularity. Blogger offers multiple author support allowing the user to create group blogs. Bloggers can even earn revenue from Google AdSense by integrating it into their blogs. Another interesting feature provided by Blogger is a free add-in for Microsoft Word called "Blogger for Word" that helps blog users save their blogs directly in Blogger from their Word document. Bloggers can also customize their blog templates as per personal preferences. For users having a Google email account, it is a pretty simple matter to link to Blogger and then start writing and maybe earning some extra income.
In addition to the above five blogging systems there are a number of up-and-coming lesser-known blog systems which include all the aforementioned features but don't require any plugins for extending their feature list. Some of the best of these second-line blogging systems are:
Habari, meaning 'news' in Swahili, is one of the most promising new blogging platforms and one of the finalists in the 'Best New Projects in 2008' Sourceforge Community Choice Award. Habari allows the user to launch multiple blogs using a single installation, supports multiple writers and has a modular structure for easy extendibility. All these features will make Habari a formidable competitor in blog publishing.
Created for ultra-serious bloggers, Symphony has been developed in XML and XSLT. This is a blogging system for web developers and has an MVC architecture which gives the blogger full control over their website. An extremely versatile system, Symphony can be customized to a high level making it popular among bloggers who want to keep a tight grip on all aspects of their website.
Positioning itself as a small, simple website maker, Pixie is also a great blogging platform for all of you who are new to the world of blogging. Ease of installation, lots of creative CSS themes, search engine optimized clean URLs for your website, spam protection, a file manager which supports tags for easy sorting of files and a small memory requirement of just 1 MB are some of the features which explain
Pixie's fast-rising popularity.
That's it, our ten minutes are up (okay, maybe eleven or twelve). Below are additional resources on How to Blog.
Following are additional research resources on "How to Blog."
Tumblr is a popular micro-blogging site where users create and share small posts of about 140 words or less. What makes these micro-blogs, popularly known as tumblelogs, all the rage is their ease of customization and the freedom they provide for posting everything from photos to quotes, to emails, and even links. Moreover, signing up for Tumblr really does take only about 10 seconds. More and more people are attracted to micro-blogging due to its capability for posting short, incisive and hopefully witty messages about the poster's latest doings, inventions, discoveries, observations, misadventures, etc. Tumblelogs even make it possible for people to post their art works and music audios and videos for public viewing.
If you are a homemaker who loves sharing recipes, health tips, beauty secrets and child care advice and also love getting similar words of wisdom from others, Clubmom is the place for you. It's a blogging site/forum where moms can meet and share their experiences while at the same time having a chance at winning exciting gifts. From family anecdotes to home remedies, careers to kids, this is a bonding place for moms of all age groups. Joining Clubmom means connecting with individuals at a personal level and sharing information which benefits all.
How to blog is a question on many people's minds these days. Blogging has taken the world by storm. Since 2004, when it first made its appearance, this popular medium of having your own little corner of the world to express yourself has turned into a veritable deluge. Today there are more than 120 million blogs that are currently tracked by the Tecnorati blog search engine. No wonder then, that owning and maintaining a blog has become almost a fashion statement, especially in the U.S.
When first embarking on a blogging journey, there are some knotty questions that usually beset one's mind regarding how to blog. Let's start with the basics.
What kinds of topics can be the subjects of blogs?
Just about anything. Simply put, a blog is an online personal diary on just about any topic you care to write about, ranging from politics to sports and fitness to religion, health, freelancing, literature, or whatever suits your fancy. But picking a subject you have solid experience in will enable you to write meaningful content that will pull in an audience for your blog. Without an audience you'll soon tire of your blog and it will join the millions of abandoned blogs lost in cyberspace.
How are blogs categorized in blog search engines?
Blog search engines like Technorati and IceRocket categorize them by subject. The most general categorization, though, is personal vs. business-oriented blogs. Yours will probably fit into the former of these categories.
Are blogs only text or can they have other features as well?
Though basically consisting of text, many blog users make their web pages more attractive by adding pictures, audio and video files.
How can I make my blog easy to navigate and attractive to readers?
A successful blog usually follows a clear simple format with its articles plainly delineated, archives (in a sidebar), and a place at the bottom for visitors to leave comments. Some also include blogrolls, which are just lists of links to other similar blogs. The best bloggers are usually people who are able to connect with their visitors' emotions, by means of artistic expression in many cases. To learn how to blog with the winners your number one teacher is other blogs - read and study a lot of them before starting your own. A good place to research blogs on your topic is
What are some tips for setting up a blog?
- First, remember your blog is a reflection of your personality. Pick a theme or a topic close to your heart or one you know something about. Correction, one you know a lot about.
- Be consistent. If you want your blog to get really popular you need to connect with your visitors on a regular, predictable schedule. Plan on publishing at least twice a week. If that sounds like too much work, once a week is the absolute lowest you can go, say blog gurus.
- Connect/network. Connect with other blog writers by leaving comments on their posts and by providing links to their blogs on your website. This kind of networking will do wonders for your traffic.
- Keep it simple. Don't clutter up your blog with meaningless details. Select a simple clean appealing design. Use fonts and colors which increase text visibility. Add videos, audios, photographs and music files only if these make your blog more attractive and/or useful.
- Don't stick your neck out - or not too far anyway. Blogs can get opinionated, which is fine, but don't put yourself at risk of a heavy-duty defamation suit. It's fine to express your opinions - so long as you make it clear they're just that, your opinions -- and always be sure that your blog is not defaming somebody, divulging sensitive information, or giving away corporate secrets.
Okay, I get the feel about how to blog. Now where do I go from here?
To get started, you first need to select suitable weblog software. This is necessary in order to create and manage your blog. There's quite an assortment of blogging software out there. Some offer ease of design and development while other programs offer more elaborate features, for example, allowing you to add discussion forums, message boards etc. Some weblogs can be downloaded and installed directly on your system. Freeware and open source software are available, though these programs are not as feature-rich as some of the paid proprietary software. Here's a rundown of the most popular blogging software:
Wordpress is the number one blog publishing software. Why? -- because it's freeware, easy to install, and has a minimal learning curve. Its extensive documentation and step-by-step installation guide make it a cakewalk even for a novice user. Among its most salient features are --
Easy installation - Even a newbie can get Wordpress up and going in 5 minutes. Moreover, web pages are generated dynamically by using thousands of built-in templates thereby greatly reducing your time and effort.
User Management - Restricts access to users while you're making modifications in your weblog. So in effect you have separate access for readers and administrative users.
Saves precious bandwidth through its Gzip feature, which reduces blog transmission size.
Enables you to place RSS feeds into your blogs and also aids in inter-blog communication by providing features like pingback and trackback.
Comes with lots of plugins making it possible for you to incorporate any feature you want. You can also integrate Wordpress with Akismet, a popular anti-spam software program used to protect blogs from spammers.
Other useful features include a database of visitors, capability to save previous drafts, blog previews, and easy formatting.
Want to see some popular blogs that use Wordpress. Two to start with are: Ilovetypography and Problogger.
Created and owned by Six Apart Limited, Typepad is a blog hosting website currently used by many large organizations in the US, such as Sky News, BBC, and MSNBC for hosting their weblogs. Launched in October 2003, Typepad today can boast that it's the number one paid blogging service worldwide. Available in multiple languages in different parts of the world, users have three different subscription options: $4.50/month for a basic subscription to $14.50/month for the pro edition. Among its features: The software enables you to associate each article in your blog with a URL, and easy uploading and sharing photo albums from multiple authors have made this a vox populi among professional bloggers. So if writing is your passion and you want to make it a profession, you can start by signing up for Typepad.
Movable Type
The first blogging system developed by Six Apart Limited in 2001, Movable Type hosts some of the world's top blogs, such as Huffington Post and Boing Boing. Developed using Perl, Movable Type supports LDAP protocol for efficient user management and automatic provisioning of blogs. This blogging system is extremely useful if you want to run multiple blogs using a single installation. The system is enriched with all possible features you could possibly think of, such as a customizable template library, ability to create categories and sub categories of articles, efficient user management directory servers and hordes of independent plugins that can be used to support different services, like creating discussion forums. This blogging system is an attractive choice if you have a technical bent.
Text Pattern
Developed by Dean Allen as an open source content management system, this is one of the simplest blogging systems available today. The most useful feature of Text Pattern is textile that helps in converting simple text documents into stylish HTML web pages using built-in style sheets. Text Pattern has a built-in CSS editor that simplifies the task of changing your web site's designs, fonts, position of the text and the background color. You can also password-protect certain sections of your blogs and keep regular track of visitors and their comments. The date and time stamp of each article is adjustable and you can save drafts of your blogs for future publication. What makes it most attractive is that Text Pattern provides a built-in search engine and the users can also link XML feeds into their blogs. The simplicity of Text Pattern is its USP. For most beginners choosing this service is almost a nobrainer.
Developed by Pyra Systems and bought by Google in 2003, Blogger is one of the most popular blogging systems to date. Google subsequently acquired Picasa in 2004 and integrated the latter's photo sharing feature 'Hello' into Blogger. Alexa ranks Blogger as the 9th most visited site worldwide, indicating its enormous popularity. Blogger offers multiple author support allowing the user to create group blogs. Bloggers can even earn revenue from Google AdSense by integrating it into their blogs. Another interesting feature provided by Blogger is a free add-in for Microsoft Word called "Blogger for Word" that helps blog users save their blogs directly in Blogger from their Word document. Bloggers can also customize their blog templates as per personal preferences. For users having a Google email account, it is a pretty simple matter to link to Blogger and then start writing and maybe earning some extra income.
In addition to the above five blogging systems there are a number of up-and-coming lesser-known blog systems which include all the aforementioned features but don't require any plugins for extending their feature list. Some of the best of these second-line blogging systems are:
Habari, meaning 'news' in Swahili, is one of the most promising new blogging platforms and one of the finalists in the 'Best New Projects in 2008' Sourceforge Community Choice Award. Habari allows the user to launch multiple blogs using a single installation, supports multiple writers and has a modular structure for easy extendibility. All these features will make Habari a formidable competitor in blog publishing.
Created for ultra-serious bloggers, Symphony has been developed in XML and XSLT. This is a blogging system for web developers and has an MVC architecture which gives the blogger full control over their website. An extremely versatile system, Symphony can be customized to a high level making it popular among bloggers who want to keep a tight grip on all aspects of their website.
Positioning itself as a small, simple website maker, Pixie is also a great blogging platform for all of you who are new to the world of blogging. Ease of installation, lots of creative CSS themes, search engine optimized clean URLs for your website, spam protection, a file manager which supports tags for easy sorting of files and a small memory requirement of just 1 MB are some of the features which explain
Pixie's fast-rising popularity.
That's it, our ten minutes are up (okay, maybe eleven or twelve). Below are additional resources on How to Blog.
Following are additional research resources on "How to Blog."
Tumblr is a popular micro-blogging site where users create and share small posts of about 140 words or less. What makes these micro-blogs, popularly known as tumblelogs, all the rage is their ease of customization and the freedom they provide for posting everything from photos to quotes, to emails, and even links. Moreover, signing up for Tumblr really does take only about 10 seconds. More and more people are attracted to micro-blogging due to its capability for posting short, incisive and hopefully witty messages about the poster's latest doings, inventions, discoveries, observations, misadventures, etc. Tumblelogs even make it possible for people to post their art works and music audios and videos for public viewing.
If you are a homemaker who loves sharing recipes, health tips, beauty secrets and child care advice and also love getting similar words of wisdom from others, Clubmom is the place for you. It's a blogging site/forum where moms can meet and share their experiences while at the same time having a chance at winning exciting gifts. From family anecdotes to home remedies, careers to kids, this is a bonding place for moms of all age groups. Joining Clubmom means connecting with individuals at a personal level and sharing information which benefits all.
Monday, March 3, 2014
5 Blogging Tips For Success
Blog Tip Number 1
Make sure you post to your blog frequently, at least a few times per week. The biggest mistake made by bloggers is to let weeks or even months go by without blogging. If your blog is not being updated it will no longer be considered "sweet" to the search engines, by that I mean it will be considered a "dead" blog and the search engines won't visit as often.The search engines are always looking for new content. A blog that has frequent updates is just the kind of content they love.
Blog Tip Number 2
Start leaving comments on other successful blogs in the same niche or category as your blog. Once you have built a relationship on the other blog you can eventually leave a link back to your site after creating a relationship.
Blog Tip Number 3
Research the most popular blogs within your category; you can use Technorati for your research. Look at what they are doing and try to model their success without copying. You can also subscribe to their RSS feed so that you always know when there is a new post on their blog.
Blog Tip Number 4
Add your links to the blog directories to gain more backlinks. Be sure to claim your blog at Technorati.
Blog Tip Number 5
Monitor your web stats to see where your traffic is originating. It is important that you use a web stats program that can show you how many people are "bookmarking" your site. A good bookmark ratio is a good sign that people are interested in your blog and have plans on re-visiting it.
Follow these steps and you will be moving forward with a very successful blog. Please remember each blog post does not have to be pages in length. It can be as little as one to two paragraphs. Keep in mind that whatever you post should be valuable to the user and elicit a response.
More information, please visit :
Make sure you post to your blog frequently, at least a few times per week. The biggest mistake made by bloggers is to let weeks or even months go by without blogging. If your blog is not being updated it will no longer be considered "sweet" to the search engines, by that I mean it will be considered a "dead" blog and the search engines won't visit as often.The search engines are always looking for new content. A blog that has frequent updates is just the kind of content they love.
Blog Tip Number 2
Start leaving comments on other successful blogs in the same niche or category as your blog. Once you have built a relationship on the other blog you can eventually leave a link back to your site after creating a relationship.
Blog Tip Number 3
Research the most popular blogs within your category; you can use Technorati for your research. Look at what they are doing and try to model their success without copying. You can also subscribe to their RSS feed so that you always know when there is a new post on their blog.
Blog Tip Number 4
Add your links to the blog directories to gain more backlinks. Be sure to claim your blog at Technorati.
Blog Tip Number 5
Monitor your web stats to see where your traffic is originating. It is important that you use a web stats program that can show you how many people are "bookmarking" your site. A good bookmark ratio is a good sign that people are interested in your blog and have plans on re-visiting it.
Follow these steps and you will be moving forward with a very successful blog. Please remember each blog post does not have to be pages in length. It can be as little as one to two paragraphs. Keep in mind that whatever you post should be valuable to the user and elicit a response.
More information, please visit :
Earn Online Blogging Tips
A few earn online blogging tips will help to build an online business for any niche.
The potential of Internet for earning money has got unleashed with the presence of numerous blogs. One may go on counting the number of blog owners who have made it big in the Internet world. But, how does one individual make money and others can not? To learn the tricks of the trade, few practical earn online blogging tips are presented here.
These blogs represent most walks of life such as commerce, politics, personal opinion and fashion etc. These have become the order of the day in the online world. People find information and tips about the topics of their interest in the numerous blogs available on the Internet. This urge for searching has been cashed by countless blog owners to earn fat pay cheques.
Earn Online Blogging Tips Is A must For All Niches
However, every niche is not necessarily as profitable as others. The reason for the same lays in the search preferences of the Internet users. Some topics are searched more as compared to the others. Commerce and fashion related stuff is most searched on the Internet. Owing to this fact, it makes perfect business sense to blog about these niches.
Regardless of the current economic scenario, stock markets still have the charm to attract people. People are always on the lookout for useful earn online blogging tips which can help them in becoming successful there. Internet users can throng a well crafted commerce related blog even from beyond the international borders.
Whether the blog is going to be based on fashion, commerce or any other niche, certain points ought to be considered. A major related aspect is promotion of blog. People should be made aware of the same by every possible means. One can do so by updating the content regularly, submission of articles at article directories and blog directories.
Writing Great Article Content Is one Of The Important Earn Online Blogging Tips
Advertisers too, like to get associated with such popular weblogs. This can assure them big exposure and a possibility of increase in sales as well. Good content and efficient promotion boosts popularity of a blog which in turn, increases its market value. The content of the same happens to have immense importance.
Brand owners may even ask owner of a popular blog for recommendation of their products. This is usually in lieu of a handsome cut from the sales or for a fixed pay. Both these situations present a win-win scenario for all the parties involved in the process.
Fashion houses are known to avail the services of blog owners for promotion of clothing lines. They may even present free services like passes for fashion shows and other stuff along with their fees. It is quite common to see popular bloggers grabbing first row seats in fashion shows and guest columns in fashion magazines.
To say that Internet provides stupendous earning opportunities is not an understatement. The presence of huge numbers of users on Internet makes it an interesting and highly rewarding marketplace. Persistent efforts combined with smart blog promotion invariably lead to success in short time. All that one needs to do is to grab useful earn online blogging tips as these and start writing.
Looking for easy ways to earn income via the Internet? Get exclusive inside information on highly useful earn online blogging tips
More information, please visit :
The potential of Internet for earning money has got unleashed with the presence of numerous blogs. One may go on counting the number of blog owners who have made it big in the Internet world. But, how does one individual make money and others can not? To learn the tricks of the trade, few practical earn online blogging tips are presented here.
These blogs represent most walks of life such as commerce, politics, personal opinion and fashion etc. These have become the order of the day in the online world. People find information and tips about the topics of their interest in the numerous blogs available on the Internet. This urge for searching has been cashed by countless blog owners to earn fat pay cheques.
Earn Online Blogging Tips Is A must For All Niches
However, every niche is not necessarily as profitable as others. The reason for the same lays in the search preferences of the Internet users. Some topics are searched more as compared to the others. Commerce and fashion related stuff is most searched on the Internet. Owing to this fact, it makes perfect business sense to blog about these niches.
Regardless of the current economic scenario, stock markets still have the charm to attract people. People are always on the lookout for useful earn online blogging tips which can help them in becoming successful there. Internet users can throng a well crafted commerce related blog even from beyond the international borders.
Whether the blog is going to be based on fashion, commerce or any other niche, certain points ought to be considered. A major related aspect is promotion of blog. People should be made aware of the same by every possible means. One can do so by updating the content regularly, submission of articles at article directories and blog directories.
Writing Great Article Content Is one Of The Important Earn Online Blogging Tips
Advertisers too, like to get associated with such popular weblogs. This can assure them big exposure and a possibility of increase in sales as well. Good content and efficient promotion boosts popularity of a blog which in turn, increases its market value. The content of the same happens to have immense importance.
Brand owners may even ask owner of a popular blog for recommendation of their products. This is usually in lieu of a handsome cut from the sales or for a fixed pay. Both these situations present a win-win scenario for all the parties involved in the process.
Fashion houses are known to avail the services of blog owners for promotion of clothing lines. They may even present free services like passes for fashion shows and other stuff along with their fees. It is quite common to see popular bloggers grabbing first row seats in fashion shows and guest columns in fashion magazines.
To say that Internet provides stupendous earning opportunities is not an understatement. The presence of huge numbers of users on Internet makes it an interesting and highly rewarding marketplace. Persistent efforts combined with smart blog promotion invariably lead to success in short time. All that one needs to do is to grab useful earn online blogging tips as these and start writing.
Looking for easy ways to earn income via the Internet? Get exclusive inside information on highly useful earn online blogging tips
More information, please visit :
How to Make Money Blogging
The fact of the matter is that most bloggers, even popular bloggers, do not make money blogging, not what you would consider good money. But there are a small minority of people who are making a killing by operating blogs. Yes, it can be done. I've compiled the top tips for bloggers that actually want to make money blogging.
1. Blog for search traffic
Writing a popular blog post that gets a lot of social traffic is fleeting. Even if your article makes to the front page of a site like the traffic boost that you receive will be momentary. If, on the other hand, one of your blog posts ranks for a popular search keyword on Google that same article can bring you traffic for months, even years.
In addition search traffic is targeted traffic. When your article about, say, Blogging Tips ranks number one in Google for "blogging tips" you will only get traffic from people who are looking for information on blogging tips. This will, quite frankly, make you a lot more money as your traffic will be targeted to your content and offers.
2. Write long posts
It is better to write one long blog post with your top ten blogging tips than it is to write 10 one hundred word entries containing one tip each. The reason for this is that it will be easier to rank a 1000 word post in the search engines than it will be to rank a 100 word post. Additionally, you can more easily promote one post and others can promote it for you by linking to it.
3. Sell something
If the point of your blog is to talk about your day then you will not make money. The point of your blog has to be to encourage some kind of profitable activity. The fact of the matter is that reading is not a commercial. When a person comes to your blog and reads your content, no money changes hand. The simple act of reading does not make you (or anyone else) money. Even your advertisers will pull their advertising if your readers only read.
If you recommend a product on your blog you will be able to earn affiliate commissions when your readers take your advice and buy the product. It is best if you have a product of your own to promote and sell, though affiliate marketing is probably more attainable for the average blogger.
Even if you refuse to specifically market any products you must at least be willing to sell your traffic to someone who will try to market to them. You can sell traffic by using a program like AdSense or by selling advertising directly.
4. Write about a topic that is commercial
For every blogger who writes about their favorite sports team or political party, I can show you a blogger who has a day job that they have to report to every morning. Bloggers that write about their passions, unless your passion is making money, are not getting rich generally. In order to make money from a blog you need to encourage some sort of profitable activity. Like I said, nobody (especially not the blogger) makes any money when somebody reads their words.
Some topics lend themselves naturally to blogging. Unfortunately, these are the topics you least want to blog because the market is so crowded. I often use the example of politics but another good one is personal finance. Personal finance is a wonderful topic to blog about in theory because it is both commercial (there are lots of advertisers and products for the blogger to recommend) and easy to write about. The problem is that there are thousands of other blogs in the niche already. This is a problem if you want to make any money in the next year. Yes, you may be able to make money with a personal finance blog in time, but it will take a lot of patience. Which brings us to our next tip.
5. Blog where there are no blogs
If you find a topic that is commercial and has products to promote and advertisers to advertise and you can't think of a single other blog who blogs about that topic, you may have hit the jackpot. Today, there are blogs about just about every mainline thing that you can think, so you have to be willing to dig down into micro-niches or niches that are not so obvious. You can make a lot more money as the single blog in a $10 niche than you can as one-blog-among-a-million in a $1000 niche.
The best topics for new bloggers are those topics which are a little bit unappealing to the masses. For instance, if you come upon a niche that seems promising but that you would be embarrassed to have your name attached to then you might have a winner. And remember that there are lots of bloggers who write under pen names.
Those are my top five tips for making money blogging and I can assure you that if you follow those guidelines and are willing to work hard you can make a very nice living online. More information, please visit :
1. Blog for search traffic
Writing a popular blog post that gets a lot of social traffic is fleeting. Even if your article makes to the front page of a site like the traffic boost that you receive will be momentary. If, on the other hand, one of your blog posts ranks for a popular search keyword on Google that same article can bring you traffic for months, even years.
In addition search traffic is targeted traffic. When your article about, say, Blogging Tips ranks number one in Google for "blogging tips" you will only get traffic from people who are looking for information on blogging tips. This will, quite frankly, make you a lot more money as your traffic will be targeted to your content and offers.
2. Write long posts
It is better to write one long blog post with your top ten blogging tips than it is to write 10 one hundred word entries containing one tip each. The reason for this is that it will be easier to rank a 1000 word post in the search engines than it will be to rank a 100 word post. Additionally, you can more easily promote one post and others can promote it for you by linking to it.
3. Sell something
If the point of your blog is to talk about your day then you will not make money. The point of your blog has to be to encourage some kind of profitable activity. The fact of the matter is that reading is not a commercial. When a person comes to your blog and reads your content, no money changes hand. The simple act of reading does not make you (or anyone else) money. Even your advertisers will pull their advertising if your readers only read.
If you recommend a product on your blog you will be able to earn affiliate commissions when your readers take your advice and buy the product. It is best if you have a product of your own to promote and sell, though affiliate marketing is probably more attainable for the average blogger.
Even if you refuse to specifically market any products you must at least be willing to sell your traffic to someone who will try to market to them. You can sell traffic by using a program like AdSense or by selling advertising directly.
4. Write about a topic that is commercial
For every blogger who writes about their favorite sports team or political party, I can show you a blogger who has a day job that they have to report to every morning. Bloggers that write about their passions, unless your passion is making money, are not getting rich generally. In order to make money from a blog you need to encourage some sort of profitable activity. Like I said, nobody (especially not the blogger) makes any money when somebody reads their words.
Some topics lend themselves naturally to blogging. Unfortunately, these are the topics you least want to blog because the market is so crowded. I often use the example of politics but another good one is personal finance. Personal finance is a wonderful topic to blog about in theory because it is both commercial (there are lots of advertisers and products for the blogger to recommend) and easy to write about. The problem is that there are thousands of other blogs in the niche already. This is a problem if you want to make any money in the next year. Yes, you may be able to make money with a personal finance blog in time, but it will take a lot of patience. Which brings us to our next tip.
5. Blog where there are no blogs
If you find a topic that is commercial and has products to promote and advertisers to advertise and you can't think of a single other blog who blogs about that topic, you may have hit the jackpot. Today, there are blogs about just about every mainline thing that you can think, so you have to be willing to dig down into micro-niches or niches that are not so obvious. You can make a lot more money as the single blog in a $10 niche than you can as one-blog-among-a-million in a $1000 niche.
The best topics for new bloggers are those topics which are a little bit unappealing to the masses. For instance, if you come upon a niche that seems promising but that you would be embarrassed to have your name attached to then you might have a winner. And remember that there are lots of bloggers who write under pen names.
Those are my top five tips for making money blogging and I can assure you that if you follow those guidelines and are willing to work hard you can make a very nice living online. More information, please visit :
Easy Blogging Tips For Beginners
You may already have a blog or want to start a new blog so here are blogging tips starting from choosing the blog name (domain name). Please read following 25 blogging tips to build better blog.
Following are Blogging tips useful before starting a new blog or writing new post. These are important for search engine optimization.
1) First do the keyword research for the blog topic / subject. Finding popular keywords related to your blog or your post topic is must. You will need at least 2-3 keywords to be used in blog title and around 10 keywords for post titles to start with.
2) Try to use the keywords in domain name, blog title, post title, post content,hyper link, ALT tag, TITLE tag a natural way.This will help you to get higher search engine ranking.
3) Try to limit no. of your labels / categories around 20. Use tag cloud or label cloud if you want to save space. If you have many topics on one blog try to regroup and relabel. If totally different topics are mixed on one blog and has sufficient no. of posts for each topic then start new blog for that topic.
4) Do not copy old posts of a blog on new blog.You can get penalized for duplicate content.You need to remove old copy from the search engine and then add same post at new blog.
5) Use post title optimization widget on this blog for blogger / blogspot blog so that you get better search engine ranking. WordPress bloggers can use plugin like All in one SEO for meta tag and title optimization.
Following are blogging tips related to look and content of the blog.
6) The look and layout of the blog should be nice, neat and beautiful so that it can create good impression on the visitor and he should feel to stay more and visit again. Content quality should also be good for this.
7) Navigation and layout should be such that visitor should be able to find the recent posts, labels very easily. So if Recent posts and Labels are near top of side bar it will be visible in first screen of the blog and the visitor will have a quick idea of what the blog is about and can jump to his topic of interest quickly.
8) Use pictures, images wherever possible to make your post colorful and attractive. Do picture / image optimization as described in my earlier post. No need to use large images, you can use medium to small images.
9) Loading time of the blog should not be very long or visitor will run away before the page opens. So keep check on what widgets / code you are installing and does it slows down the loading. If you are loading pictures, make sure that the file size is not big.
Do not use BMP files, you can use jpg, png files. Also check image size. You can do all this using photoshop. As sometimes images load slower from external sources, check that also.
Blogging tips related to writing and visitors
10) Write your post after proper research and gathering total information. Do not write too long. Use grouping, paragraph, sub titling for arranging the information in post body.
11) Writing language should be easy to understand and wherever possible write in humorous way. If visitor enjoys your post he will come back.
12) Give links to useful resources related to your topic. Also give links to your earlier posts with proper anchor text wherever possible. This improves internal linking of your blog.
13) Encourage the reader to participate / comment. You can also run some contest or survey on your blog and keep some prize for that.
14) Use beautiful and professional looking theme / template and header image for your blog. There are many free templates available so you can easily get one suitable to your blog. Choose 3 column template which uses full 1024 X 768 resolution.This gives you more space.
15) The font color and size should be such that blog should be readable in different screen resolution. Other blogging tips to increase readers and revenue.
16) Burn your feed at feedburner and provide subscribe via email facility for your RSS feed.
17) Check your blog visibility and feed in different browser.Especially in internet explorer and Firefox.
18) Try to increase your RSS feed subscriber and use AdSense for feed to display Google AdSense on the feed.
19) Use Google AdSense or other advertisements in post body, right hand side bar and below the header. Use AdSense link unit with labels or links or below header. Match background color of AdSense with blog or post background color.
20) Read my post on blog traffic tips to build traffic from sources other than search engine.
Following are precautionary blogging tips
21) There should not be many outgoing links (pointing to other websites / blogs) in the post or side bar. Remove unnecessary outgoing links. Place all outgoing links near bottom of right hand side bar or footer.
22 ) Do not buy or sell links for link building.
23) If paid posts are must for you keep it minimum or have separate website / blog for paid posts or articles.
24) As said above do not write same post again ( duplicate content ). Do not edit old post titles and content for search engine optimization.
25) Do not have METATAGS only for main home URL of blogger blog, as it will be used for all the post and you will get duplicate metatag error in Google webmaster tools. You are also misguiding and confusing search engine by having same meta tag for all posts. So you can use script / widget which can give different METATAGS to individual posts. WordPress blogger can have METATAG for individual post by using All in one SEO plug-in.
More information, please visit :
Following are Blogging tips useful before starting a new blog or writing new post. These are important for search engine optimization.
1) First do the keyword research for the blog topic / subject. Finding popular keywords related to your blog or your post topic is must. You will need at least 2-3 keywords to be used in blog title and around 10 keywords for post titles to start with.
2) Try to use the keywords in domain name, blog title, post title, post content,hyper link, ALT tag, TITLE tag a natural way.This will help you to get higher search engine ranking.
3) Try to limit no. of your labels / categories around 20. Use tag cloud or label cloud if you want to save space. If you have many topics on one blog try to regroup and relabel. If totally different topics are mixed on one blog and has sufficient no. of posts for each topic then start new blog for that topic.
4) Do not copy old posts of a blog on new blog.You can get penalized for duplicate content.You need to remove old copy from the search engine and then add same post at new blog.
5) Use post title optimization widget on this blog for blogger / blogspot blog so that you get better search engine ranking. WordPress bloggers can use plugin like All in one SEO for meta tag and title optimization.
Following are blogging tips related to look and content of the blog.
6) The look and layout of the blog should be nice, neat and beautiful so that it can create good impression on the visitor and he should feel to stay more and visit again. Content quality should also be good for this.
7) Navigation and layout should be such that visitor should be able to find the recent posts, labels very easily. So if Recent posts and Labels are near top of side bar it will be visible in first screen of the blog and the visitor will have a quick idea of what the blog is about and can jump to his topic of interest quickly.
8) Use pictures, images wherever possible to make your post colorful and attractive. Do picture / image optimization as described in my earlier post. No need to use large images, you can use medium to small images.
9) Loading time of the blog should not be very long or visitor will run away before the page opens. So keep check on what widgets / code you are installing and does it slows down the loading. If you are loading pictures, make sure that the file size is not big.
Do not use BMP files, you can use jpg, png files. Also check image size. You can do all this using photoshop. As sometimes images load slower from external sources, check that also.
Blogging tips related to writing and visitors
10) Write your post after proper research and gathering total information. Do not write too long. Use grouping, paragraph, sub titling for arranging the information in post body.
11) Writing language should be easy to understand and wherever possible write in humorous way. If visitor enjoys your post he will come back.
12) Give links to useful resources related to your topic. Also give links to your earlier posts with proper anchor text wherever possible. This improves internal linking of your blog.
13) Encourage the reader to participate / comment. You can also run some contest or survey on your blog and keep some prize for that.
14) Use beautiful and professional looking theme / template and header image for your blog. There are many free templates available so you can easily get one suitable to your blog. Choose 3 column template which uses full 1024 X 768 resolution.This gives you more space.
15) The font color and size should be such that blog should be readable in different screen resolution. Other blogging tips to increase readers and revenue.
16) Burn your feed at feedburner and provide subscribe via email facility for your RSS feed.
17) Check your blog visibility and feed in different browser.Especially in internet explorer and Firefox.
18) Try to increase your RSS feed subscriber and use AdSense for feed to display Google AdSense on the feed.
19) Use Google AdSense or other advertisements in post body, right hand side bar and below the header. Use AdSense link unit with labels or links or below header. Match background color of AdSense with blog or post background color.
20) Read my post on blog traffic tips to build traffic from sources other than search engine.
Following are precautionary blogging tips
21) There should not be many outgoing links (pointing to other websites / blogs) in the post or side bar. Remove unnecessary outgoing links. Place all outgoing links near bottom of right hand side bar or footer.
22 ) Do not buy or sell links for link building.
23) If paid posts are must for you keep it minimum or have separate website / blog for paid posts or articles.
24) As said above do not write same post again ( duplicate content ). Do not edit old post titles and content for search engine optimization.
25) Do not have METATAGS only for main home URL of blogger blog, as it will be used for all the post and you will get duplicate metatag error in Google webmaster tools. You are also misguiding and confusing search engine by having same meta tag for all posts. So you can use script / widget which can give different METATAGS to individual posts. WordPress blogger can have METATAG for individual post by using All in one SEO plug-in.
More information, please visit :
Easy Make Money Blogging
These blogging tips are a great way to share with new blogger that are interested in a way to get paid to blog.
Having a blog is almost a must for any network marketer today. Once you have your blog set up, in order to make money blogging, you can no longer rely on the old ways to generate traffic to your site. Today, you must be creative and these 8 blogging tips should be of great benefit to you.
One of the blogging tips is to take advantage of 2.0 marketing. Getting on the different social networks where people are congregating to talk and visit. If you're new and know absolutely nothing about how to make money blogging then these 8 blogging tips should help you get started.
1) One of the first blogging tips that you need to know is how to drive traffic to your blog.
Driving large amounts of traffic to your blog will insure that you make money blogging. One way to get your blog found is to learn how to optimize it for the different search engines and using a SEO plug in like SeoPressor will make the job very easy for you. It will pinpoint all the areas that need to be addressed for high ranking and optimizing your blog site is also one of the great blogging tips.
Using article marketing, forum posting and commenting on other blogs is three blogging tips that I would urge you to implement immediately. This creates back linking and helps in raising your rank with sites like Google.
2) Be sure to Optimize your blog name is one of the best blogging tips that I could give you.
When you choose a domain name for your blog, be sure that the name contains your keywords and that the domain name is easy to spell. The name must tell the prospect what your blog is about. You only have 30 seconds to get a prospects attention.
3) Placing advertising on your blog is another way to get paid to blog!
Google offers a program called ad sense where you get paid each time someone visits your site and clicks on an ad that might interest them.
Amazon and Click bank are other companies that will pay you a commission but only if someone clicks on and buys something.
4) Making money blogging requires some Link Building!
You can activity offer to exchange links with other blogs that are involved in the same topic as you. This blogging tip has been used by some of the top bloggers because they know that search engines will increase your rank based on the number and the quality of links pointing back to your blog.
5) You can also join paid blogging networks as well!
Check out other sites for programs that are being promoted or new start ups and write a review on those services. People love to read "how to" or "reviews" to get information before they make a purchase.
6) If you want to get paid to blog, Update your blog on a regular basis!
I would suggest updating your blog at least 2 or 3 times a week so that your readers have constant new content to keep them involved.
Post a new article or make a new video and post it to your blog occasionally. This blogging tip will keep your customers actively reading and re-reading your blog on a weekly basis.
7) Once you write your blog post, check it for grammar and spelling.
In order to make money blogging and look like a professional doing it, prospects will not accept bad grammar or massive spelling errors. I suggest writing your blog post, then letting it set for 24 hours, come back, read it again and you will easily find errors that were overlooked on the first reading.
8) Be Original
Prospects and readers don't want to read the same ole rehashed jargon over and over, so take this marketing tip to heart and give them something new and refreshing. Allow your personality to come through as you write your post, some people say that you should write like you talk.
Give that a try and test the results for yourself. If you're new and want to make money blogging, use these blogging tips as a guide to help you grow your blog, practice your writing skills daily and weekly and with each improvement you should see traffic start to migrate to your blog just from using these blogging tips.
More information, please visit :
Having a blog is almost a must for any network marketer today. Once you have your blog set up, in order to make money blogging, you can no longer rely on the old ways to generate traffic to your site. Today, you must be creative and these 8 blogging tips should be of great benefit to you.
One of the blogging tips is to take advantage of 2.0 marketing. Getting on the different social networks where people are congregating to talk and visit. If you're new and know absolutely nothing about how to make money blogging then these 8 blogging tips should help you get started.
1) One of the first blogging tips that you need to know is how to drive traffic to your blog.
Driving large amounts of traffic to your blog will insure that you make money blogging. One way to get your blog found is to learn how to optimize it for the different search engines and using a SEO plug in like SeoPressor will make the job very easy for you. It will pinpoint all the areas that need to be addressed for high ranking and optimizing your blog site is also one of the great blogging tips.
Using article marketing, forum posting and commenting on other blogs is three blogging tips that I would urge you to implement immediately. This creates back linking and helps in raising your rank with sites like Google.
2) Be sure to Optimize your blog name is one of the best blogging tips that I could give you.
When you choose a domain name for your blog, be sure that the name contains your keywords and that the domain name is easy to spell. The name must tell the prospect what your blog is about. You only have 30 seconds to get a prospects attention.
3) Placing advertising on your blog is another way to get paid to blog!
Google offers a program called ad sense where you get paid each time someone visits your site and clicks on an ad that might interest them.
Amazon and Click bank are other companies that will pay you a commission but only if someone clicks on and buys something.
4) Making money blogging requires some Link Building!
You can activity offer to exchange links with other blogs that are involved in the same topic as you. This blogging tip has been used by some of the top bloggers because they know that search engines will increase your rank based on the number and the quality of links pointing back to your blog.
5) You can also join paid blogging networks as well!
Check out other sites for programs that are being promoted or new start ups and write a review on those services. People love to read "how to" or "reviews" to get information before they make a purchase.
6) If you want to get paid to blog, Update your blog on a regular basis!
I would suggest updating your blog at least 2 or 3 times a week so that your readers have constant new content to keep them involved.
Post a new article or make a new video and post it to your blog occasionally. This blogging tip will keep your customers actively reading and re-reading your blog on a weekly basis.
7) Once you write your blog post, check it for grammar and spelling.
In order to make money blogging and look like a professional doing it, prospects will not accept bad grammar or massive spelling errors. I suggest writing your blog post, then letting it set for 24 hours, come back, read it again and you will easily find errors that were overlooked on the first reading.
8) Be Original
Prospects and readers don't want to read the same ole rehashed jargon over and over, so take this marketing tip to heart and give them something new and refreshing. Allow your personality to come through as you write your post, some people say that you should write like you talk.
Give that a try and test the results for yourself. If you're new and want to make money blogging, use these blogging tips as a guide to help you grow your blog, practice your writing skills daily and weekly and with each improvement you should see traffic start to migrate to your blog just from using these blogging tips.
More information, please visit :
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