Blogs are the news and educational outlets of the future. They have pushed themselves up as a leading presence on the internet. For those who once wanted to create a website, but perhaps they had no interesting content. The blog has made it possible to earn some massive traffic for even the smallest of websites. If a person blogs daily on a blog website their site will become over 365 pages large! (each blog post becomes it's own page....well, with blogging programs like blogger and wordpress). With all that content and a niche', traffic is sure to come. Well, not exactly.
The whole "build it and they will come" philosophy does NOT apply to the internet any longer. Perhaps at the internet's conception, and during the following 2 years, this may have been true. Now, even the largest and best blogs may be elusive if not advertised or networked by some means. It would be nice to toss up a nice website with targeted content, and watch the traffic flow in. If this were the case, there would be MANY more rich bloggers out there. Blogging has also become the best way to learn the latest and most important news in any industry. Now, I read about current events and funny stories sometimes days before they appear on the news or radio. Blogs are a bigger power-house than most even realize.
If you are thinking of starting a blog, make sure it has a niche', or a targeted audience. You could start a gardening blog, a marriage blog, a business blog, an internet business blog, a marketing blog, a web design blog, a graphic design blog, and even a super hero ninja-clown blog. You'd be extremely surprised at how many people are creating blogs these days...and even more surprised at WHAT people are creating blogs about. Reading blogs regularly is not only a great way to gauge your audience in your target industry, but also a great way to keep up with the latest techniques and trends in whatever it is that you are interested in. In reality, blogs really are the newest media form... and with sites like Digg, Twitter, Reddit, and stumble upon, your blog is sure to get noticed by someone!
So how does one slip some shameless self promotion into your own blog, or better yet...even others blogs? If you are writing a targeted blog, in YOUR industry, this shouldn't be too hard. Say you are a martial arts teacher. You start a martial arts blog, and promote it. List your business and your expertise in the blog every now and again. As others in the industry find your blog, they'll link to it from their site if they enjoy your content. This is the art of basic blog promotion. There are also a ton of feed websites to submit your blog to, such as Technorati, and a few other biggies that you must submit to to start monitoring traffic, incoming links, and so on.
Another obvious key to business blog promotion is to network yourself and your blog. Many bloggers believe that it is considerate to leave comments on blogs to show appreciation, and to add to the community experience. Commenting also leaves behind your blog's link, so others can find you through more popular blogs within your industry. Making friends in the blog world is a great way to get your blog and your name out there. It's also a great way to generate regular readers of your blog.
I strongly suggest that if you already have a business and a business website, to add a blog to it as soon as possible. Whether it is an industry news blog, or just a blog about the news and current events within your own company. It's a great way to add more content (words) to your site that are like food to the search engines. Industry experts have also said that adding a blog to your company's site is a way to better connect with your consumer, since they can comment and address issues they have with pretty much anything. Many consumers see it as a better way to access an authority figure within the company as well. Large companies that utilizing blogging include Toyota, Google, HP, and many more.
When it comes down to it, blogging can be a great tool to promote your business if used correctly. Remember, the blogging world is immense, so if you are ready to sit down and start a blog, make sure to design a strategy of how to market that blog. Submit it, Submit it, and Network! Don't be shy when it comes to commenting. If you enjoyed another's blog, make sure to comment and let them know! bloggers enjoy feedback, and it usually elicits friendships and new readership.
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